Blog Requirements

TKAM Blog Requirements

Posts:  Choose a topic from those listed on the assignment sheet or make up your own.  Write a paragraph response and download to the class blog. 
            The Entry requirements:
                        ~  at least one well developed paragraph
                        ~  clear thesis and concluding statements
                        ~  at least one quotation for support
                        ~  Sign your work – first name only.

Comments:  Read the entry carefully and review the quoted passage to remind yourself of its context.  Respond honestly and respectfully to your classmate’s ideas. 
            The Response requirements:
                        ~  at least one well developed paragraph.                  
                        ~  a clear thesis statement
                        ~  at least one quotation for support
                        ~  end with a clear concluding statement, or if appropriate, a question that
                                     advances the discussion.
                        ~  Sign your work – first name only.

Schedule for entries and responses:
GROUP:  #1 – Natasha, Felix, #2 - Tynan, Ally,  #3 – Nicole, Emma,  #4 – Scott, Helen, 
#5 Eliza, Zach,  #6 – Harrison, Mike, Jillian

4/11 – Post:  #1
4/12 – Post:  #2, Comment:  #3
4/14– Post:  #4, Comment:  #5
4/15 - Post:  #6, Comment:  #1
4/19 - Post:  #2, Comment:  #3
4/21 - Post:  #4, Comment:  #5
4/22 - Post:  #6, Comment:  #1
4/25 - Comment:  #2, #3
4/26 - Post:  #5, Comment:  #6
4/28 - Post:  #1, Comment:  #2
4/29 - Post:  #3, Comment:  #4
5/2 - Post:  #5, Comment:  #6
5/3 - Comment:  #1, #2
5/5- Post:  #3, Comment:  #4
5/5 - Comment:  #5, #6